Thanks Microsoft!

I got my frist Xbox 360 Pro 11/9/06…three long and fun years ago.

To my dismay, my console got an E74 error (much like the RROD) and I had to cough up $300 for an Elite. Conviently my warranty of three years ended just a few months prior.

My brother, DaveryPocket, was able to successfully fix the E74 error and now I have two Xbox’s.

I was wanting a new Xbox primarily because of the 120GB HDD. After getting 7200MS points for XMAS I plan on buying Games on Demand from the marketplace…my old 20GB would not have enough room.

I just bought NFS: Most Wanted and that alone was 6GBs.

Sorry I haz not been posting lately, a little busy.

DaveyPocket and I recently purchased a Pac-Man arcade (the real thing, cabnet in all) and we will have a story on that shotely.

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